Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, Quito Ecuador

I slept in until 9, showered, shaved, washed the key clothing items (!), and had a great free breakfast of papaya and coffee, and super good bread. With help from the desk, I caught a cab ($3) to the Universidad Cristiana Lationamericana on 10 Agosto No. 34 in Rumipamba….I loved the drive over. Quito seems alive and the streets are busy. The parks are big and overall it seems very up to date.

The receptionist took my card and informed me that Patricio Proano is not longer the president! Aha! I wish whomever spoke to Zondra yesterday had mentioned that instead of just trying to get us another number for him. He left in the past few weeks! But it’s still odd that no one has a working number for him and of course that no one was aware of my visit except him, and of course that he didn’t pass on that info. But oh well…..the receptionist walked me 2 blocks to the admin “house.” As I entered she found the new president Dr. Marco Lucio Munoz, was out. His assistant Marta Alcazar said she would try to reach him, but that he was very busy, so an appointment today might not be possible. I said I was leaving tomorrow morning at 11:30am. I greeted their academic vice-rector, but he didn’t seem interested in helping out. When I asked if I could work there using wireless since I didn’t think there was wireless at the Savoy, Marta said it was down, and I’d be better advised to return to the hotel. She took the hotel number and I have been working here since then….fortunately the DO have wireless! In the end I hope I will have a chance to talk to someone, and I may go back over there later, but it is possible I will be here for 30 hours without getting a chance to speak to anyone at ICL. I hope not!

Mid afternoon now…I paused in updating my reports on Bolivia to call back to ICL. They said they’d been trying to reach me on my cell…..odd…it’s been with me and on since I left them. Anyway, could I come in 15 minutes….back into the suit and tie, into the cab, (only $3 half way across town! least 3 miles!) and I met the Rector. Marco, pediatrician and philosopher, doesn’t speak English and of course I don’t speak Spanish. But we managed! When he realized what had happened, he felt very badly, and so we are headed out to dinner together this evening. Hopefully with someone who can fill in the communication gaps! His AVP’s assistant drove me back to the hotel this time! Thanks Patricia!

OH…and BTW…even the email Marco’s assistant gave me this morning was wrong….she didn’t realize that his official email is hotmail not yahoo! Ah!

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